Tag Archives: folding

Laundry…The Never Ending Cycle


Anyone else out there feel that way?… At first, I thought it was just me… But I’m pretty sure we all do!

First, four people make a lot of laundry!

2015/01/img_2375.pngI used to wait until Sunday and get it all done, but that became overwhelming, especially if we wanted to leave the house. So now, try to do one load of laundry a day or every other day. It truly depends on what we have done; maybe we stayed in pjs all day, not as much laundry as if we changed, and some days I have to do a load of diapers.

I have found that I am awesome at staying on top of the wash while it’s washing and drying. However, I seem to get “distracted” or preoccupied when it comes to folding. Folding all the wash is the most annoying part! Then I was folding it all and my hubby and I were struggling to put it away… Then we, hubby and I,started living out of baskets… (For some reason I never struggle putting my kids clothes away… Actually their bedroom and clothes are the most organized!)

I quickly got annoyed with that and decided I needed to clean out my closet and dresser! It actually turned out to be a good thing. I purged a lot of items and was able to donate a bunch! Now, I had no excuse not to put my clothes away!

Well, I fell back into my laundry slump and just yesterday, reached my breaking point and had to put all laundry away!

2015/01/img_2356.jpg that’s an actual shot of 3 days worth of clothes on our guest room bed. You can see we make a lot!

Sometimes I wish I was smart enough to invent a home laundry folding machine or biodegradable clothing.


Happy Laundrying! I have to get back to diaper laundry!

Till next time!

Images, except for my laundry, all found on Internet through a Google search