Tag Archives: doTerra

Natural Beauty 


I so want to have vegan, organic, and animal cruelty and paraben free, etc makeup and face wash. 

However, I am having a hard time with the prices. I know that they are better and healthier for me, but I also want to make sure I’m not breaking the bank. I WISH, like really wish I could just go to the store and buy all the makeup and face care items I want; but then I wake and realize this is real life… Haha! 

I am however making better decisions when my “bad” items run out. I am replacing them with new. I have also come to the realization that my makeup lasts FOREVER… I do not wear it as often as I used too, staying home. Which for real is real natural beauty.. Haha! 

Pretty much my everyday look!

But my face & body wash, and lotions go a lot faster! Those are the things I use everyday… Or every other… Haha! Depending on if I can squeeze in a shower… 😛

So here is what I have been able to replace:

Love this face wash! even my husband likes it, because it isnt girly smelling.

Here is my face lotion and toner,. same company as face wash! when i made the switch iI did breakout a bit(but thats common for me-especially when switching to new)


Toothpaste. i had been reading some bad things about glycerin and floride, so i wanted to find alternatives. im not sure im completly settled on this one, but its not bad.


I love this for my crows feet. I feel like it works. I just have to remeber to put it on !


Oh! What don’t I use this for?! Haha! Coconut oil is great! I use it EVERYDAY! This is my hair gel, deep conditioning and hair growth routine. LOVE LOVE LOVE COCONUT OIL!


Another eye cream. I use this on occasion., im not sure how I feel about it.


LOVE THIS! Best shaving gel! smells good!


Of course i use my doTERRA oils to make my own concotions. (i sell)

These are most of the items I have changed too over time. I’m sure there are more in my house and of course there are other items not pictured that I tried and just stopped using. but I can’t think right now… Haha! Plus, the kiddies are now calling for me! 

I just keep reminding myself “don’t buy the same chemical laced product when it runs out, buy a vegan, organic, and animal cruelty and paraben free, etc product to replace! 

I want to talk about a clay mask I use too! Next post! 

Till next time! 😄

*i am in no way associated with any company or product mentioned in post except doTERRA. I am an independent wellness advocate. 

dōTERRA and Me!


I finally pulled the trigger and signed up to be a independent Product Consultant (IPC). I’m so pumped!

This is a step that is helping me make major changes in my family and my life! Making healthier choices for our mind, body, and spirit!

Here is a link to my page… PLEASE like it and a link to my website!



Thank you for liking!

And please share with someone you know who may be interested!




Beginning Essential Oils…


I am really trying to make better choices for myself and my family. One of the choices that I made was to start eating healthier…We 1/2 way have that under control. I mean we still screw up here or there, but we are trying…

The next choice I am making is to begin using essential oils (EOs), instead of always running to pop a pill! A much more natural way to cure ailments. Now, I know that there maybe an occasion here or there where a pill or some type of medication is needed, but I think a lot of things can be solved with EOs.

Here are my first few oils…

Vertigo blend (ginger, lavender, peppermint , basil, frankincense, and orange), lemon, lavender, eucalyptus , frankincense, peppermint, and two doTerra blends Balance and Breathe.

So far I have been successful in a few areas and the EOs are working!

I have been able to take care of headaches with peppermint. I rub a drop on each temple and one drop on the back of my neck. If the headache occurs at nighttime or is slightly intense, I add a little lavender to help relax. I did experiment with a drop of frankincense on the roof of my mouth for a headache….oh boy, that was an intense experience. It tasted like a Christmas tree in my mouth. I think I was so focused on the icky flavor that I can’t remember if it helped or not. I don’t know if I will do that again.

My sister in law is very into EOs and I asked her what she would use for vertigo. Because I have been experiencing strange vertigo and slightly feeling off kilter. Especially at that lovely time of the month. she made a blend for me, but it just wasn’t feeling right. So, I began hunting for another blend. I discovered Balance by doTerra. Here is doTerra’s description:

Grounding Blend
Everyone experiences moments of disconnectedness or anxiety. The warm, woody aroma of Balance, dōTERRA’s grounding blend, creates a sense of calm and well-being. We perfectly blend spruce, rosewood, frankincense, and blue tansy to offer an enticing fragrance which promotes tranquility and a sense of balance.

I have been using this for 3 days and it seems to be helping. I put two drops on each foot and one drop on my wrists. I reapply during the day. This blend smells wonderful.

I also discovered Breathe by doTerra.

Respiratory Blend
Respiratory issues are prevalent in modern society. dōTERRA essential oils are a perfect way to ease breathing consistently for a sustained benefit. Breathe is a remarkable blend of CPTG® essential oils which combine to do just that—help you breathe easier. A proprietary blend including laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, and ravensara cleanses and soothes the airways, and can easily be applied topically to the chest, back, or bottom of feet. Its pleasant aroma is calming to the senses and perfect for nighttime diffusion allowing for restful sleep

I have used this for my husband and son while they were congested. My husband added directly under nostrils. For my son, I diluted with coconut oil and rubbed on his chest and feet.

I literally began this journey on Black Friday…I’m loving it so far! I look forward to where this journey will take me. I do know that I need to add oils to my collection, a EOs book and a room diffuser or two.

I’ll be posting more essential oil adventures I’m sure!

*these are my opinions and experiences with essential oils. I am not affiliated with doTerra.