Weight Loss Rut


I have been sticking to working out, changing it up a little, a previous knee injury has made it a little tough for me to do hip hop abs… I have to take it out and reincorporate slowly, to see if that what is causing the knee pain.
I also, changed it up a bit so that way my body doesn’t get too used to it… But my scale moved up 5pounds and will NOT move…..

I have been under calories or close to everyday except Saturday and Sundays. I am working out everyday, drinking plenty of water and eating my protein. I’m kinda at a loss. I’m hoping that I can figure this out, because I got really really happy when I bought shorts that were 3, yes 3 dress sizes smaller!

I finally feel better about the way I look and feel about myself! It feels like I have my mojo/sexy/happy back! (Not that I wasn’t happy before… It’s just a different happy, a happy to be me again!)

I’m not going to give up! I can’t I need to be healthy and look healthy!  I do still see a change from last month to this month, even if scale doesn’t show it! 

Here are up to date progress photos with dates: (I forgot inches…next time!)

Update(5/29/15): since last post April 22, I have lost 0 pounds. Inches lost: arms 0, legs 0, waist .5

I am happy about the half inch in the waist, but frustrated at no loss anywhere else. 





Till next time!

About semicrunchysahmlife

Hi! I’m Kerry and I’m the Semi-Crunchy Stay at Home Mom! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope that you will enjoy reading my successes, struggles, and failures of being a Semi-Crunchy Stay at home Mom. I am happily married to my wonderful hubby, Casey, for 5 years! I have two children, Ethan (2) and Eva (7 Months). I also have two fur babies, Chesapeake (5) and Bayly (3), they are both fun-loving labradors. I was an elementary school teacher for 5 years, and taught second and fourth grade. I am now so blessed to be able to stay at home with my children. While being at home, I am a full-time cloth diapering, breastfeeding, baby-wearer, who tries to be as natural and organic as I can be…aka a Semi-Crunchy Stay at Home Mom! Thanks Again!

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